DISTRIBUTION INFO FOR WINFILE BACKUP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We at Cygnus Productions appreciate the efforts of vendors and BBS systems for their contribution to the shareware market and the industry. If you have any questions or comments about the following terms or WinFile BackUp, please feel free to contact us at the address below. This file contains acceptable descriptions for catalogs, libraries or BBS use, requirements for distributors, and additional information. PC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware: Any PC that is able to run Microsoft Windows 3.0. Recommended: 386 class microprocessor or better with 4Mb RAM. Software: Microsoft Windows 3.0 or better. DISTRIBUTION TERMS FOR WINFILE BACKUP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk vendors, other software librarians or distributors who wish to distribute WinFile BackUp may contact us at the address below for information on any special licensing terms or considerations (i.e. royalties). The permission of the copyright holder, Cygnus Productions, must be attained BEFORE ANY distribution occurs. WinFile BackUp v3.00 may NOT be distributed without prior consent to do so unless automatic permission is granted by meeting one of the conditions below that allow for automatic permission to distribute. Those who wish to distribute WinFile BackUp v3.00 to others, whether for free or in return for money or other considerations, regardless of what type of media or through what medium you choose to distribute it through, must adhere to the requirements below. Please review all of the following terms, notices, and disclaimers: 1) Permission to distribute is automatically granted to catalog vendors provided the following conditions are met: a) The catalog must contain a statement to the effect that the software is not free and that a registration fee applies if the buyer decides to use the software obtained from your catalog. b) Updated versions of the software sent to the distributor will be reflected in what is distributed and advertised in their catalog or listing as soon as possible. c) A copy of the first catalog advertising the distribution of the software will be sent to Cygnus Productions for our records. (See below for the address.) 2) All BBS systems and electronic information systems (i.e., CompuServe, America Online, etc.) are automatically granted permission to distribute WinFile BackUp v3.00. 3) "Rack" distribution or any other type of distribution in a retail environment requires written permission, must adhere to the distribution term 1a above insofar as packaging and advertisement is concerned, and may be subject to special licensing terms or other considerations (i.e., royalties). Contact Cygnus Productions for more information on this type of distribution. 4) Distribution via CD-ROM requires written permission, must adhere to the distribution term 1a above insofar as packaging and advertisement is concerned, and may be subject to special licensing terms or other considerations (i.e., royalties). Contact Cygnus Productions for more information on this type of distribution. 5) No renewal of this permission is necessary. However, all distributors should be aware that permission to distribute (whether it be granted automatically or through special written permission) can be withdrawn from any distributor, at any time, for any reason, at the sole discretion of the copyright holder, Cygnus Productions, on reasonable advance notice (at least 30 days). 6) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS." NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. If you do not have automatic permission as granted above, you must contact the copyright holder, Cygnus Productions, for written permission and/or licensing information. EXAMPLE DESCRIPTION FOR CATALOGS, LIBRARIES, OR BBS SYSTEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WinFile BackUp v3.00! Backs up your important Windows files. Includes a timer for backups to take place in the background for hands-free operation, 11 different types of files to backup plus 4 custom types you can create! Why reinstall Windows when a file becomes corrupt or accidentally deleted...get WinFile BackUp! CONTACTING CYGNUS PRODUCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Need to talk to us or send us a catalog? Cygnus Productions P.O. Box 1298 Hines, IL 60141 Voice Mail: (708) 764-9453 Internet: FORNALSKY,DAVE@FORUM.VA.GOV >END OF LINE<